I absolutely love fresh mozzarella- with tomatoes, basil, oil, vinegar, on pizza, on sandwiches, all by itself...there's no wrong way to eat it. Unfortunately, fresh mozzarella isn't exactly cheap, and the quality varies widely from brand to brand. Luckily, it's way easier to make a ton of it on your own for a tiny fraction of what you'd pay in the store for considerably less.
Today I will be your guide (or change the "e" to an "o" and i'll be your Guido....) on a journey into mozzarella heaven.
You're going to need only a few ingredients:
1 gallon milk
Citric acid powder
Rennet tablets
Kosher (non-iodized) salt
So first of all, I got my citric acid at Whole Foods in the health and beauty area. Yeah, it's a little weird, but it's in over by the handmade soaps. It's cheap, so no worries. Second, you'll need rennet tabs. I used the Junket brand. Feel free to use whatever you want, but Junket is the easiest to find. The milk you use is up to you- I prefer to use whole cow milk, but you can use goat milk just as easily. Anyway, once you have all of this, you're ready to go.
Delicious beauty supplies |
It looks like milk that has been in the fridge too long... |
The first step is mix about 2 tbsp of citric acid in 1 cup of water and set it aside. Then mix 1 tablet of rennet into 1/4 of a cup of water and set that aside. Pour the gallon of milk into a large pot and heat it over medium heat until it's 90 degrees. If it gets a little higher, that's fine. I use a regular thermometer because it'd be stupid to buy a real cooking one for something like this, plus, i'm cheap.
Ok, so once you've got the milk warming, add the water that has the citric acid and the water that has the rennet to the milk. You'll notice it starting to curdle almost immediately, and it's pretty cool to see. Stir it gently, and check the temp to make sure it's almost at 90 degrees. Once it is, remove it from the heat and let it sit uncovered for 5 min or so. You'll see it start separating and part of it turning yellow. The yellow stuff is the whey.
Whey. |
After it's started separating, you'll notice it's starting to kind of getting clumpy. That's good...so now, turn the heat back on and take it up to about 105 degrees. Try not to let it get much hotter than that or you end up with runny (but delicious!) cheese. Once it hits 105 degrees, remove it from the heat and let it cool down (i've let it cool overnight covered, but 10-15 minutes is fine). At this point, there should be an island of kind of firm but not really curds on the top of the whey. Using a skimmer, get as much of it as possible out of the whey and into a bowl.
If this is your temperature, please seek medical attention immediately
Skimming off the top |
Shortly after, the Baskin-Robins was closed down by the Health Department |
Whey removed, ready for microwave |
Once you've got as much as you can into the bowl, remove as much whey as possible from the bowl. I used a turkey baster, but you can do whatever you want. After they whey is gone, pop the bowl into the microwave for 30 seconds. It'll come out and there will be even MORE whey in there that needs to come out. Drain that and then put the bowl back in for another 15 seconds. Drain the whey again, and sprinkle about 1 tsp of kosher salt on top of the curds in the bowl.
Ready to fold! |
Using either a spoon or your hands, start to fold the cheese over on itself to get the salt totally integrated to the curds.
You'll notice them starting to get more solid as you work them. Once they've started to get a little more solid, begin shaping the cheese with your hands. The important thing to do at this point now is to stretch the cheese. Think of it like pizza dough- stretch it and then push it together. It'll start to get tighter, if that makes any sense. Then start rolling it into a ball. It will eventually be about the size of a softball, and weigh about one pound. Put the ball into a container, cover it with some of the whey from the pot (you did keep it, didn't you?) and put it in the fridge. It'll keep for about a week, but you're only fooling yourself if you think it'll actually still be there in a week.
Try not to eat the whole thing at once. Seriously. |
Congratulations, you're a cheesemaker!